Frequently Asked Questions

Is permanent makeup painful?

Before and during the treatment, we use topical anesthetic that are highly effective. It is applied to the treated area which significantly reduces discomfort. Typically, Clients will report a tickling sensation with little or no discomfort during or after a procedure has been performed.

Please be aware when booking a lip procedure, if you have ever had an outbreak of cold sores at any point, you must consult with your doctor for a prescription of acyclovir pills or similar prior to your procedure. We discuss all this during the free consultation.

Who should avoid permanent makeup?

Individuals under 18 years of age

We cannot work on anyone under 18 years of age, even with parental consent.

Women who are pregnant or nursing 

As the body is going through hormonal changes, it is more prone to infections. Your skin may change and results can be unpredictable. 

Individuals with Pacemaker or major heart problems

We use epinephrine, as a numbing agent, that can increase your heart rate possible causing dysrhythmias.

Individuals with viral infections and/or diseases 

The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system.

Individuals with Lupus

The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system. 

Individuals who have undergone Organ Transplant

The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system. 

Individuals with any kind of skin condition on or near the treatment area

Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis or any one of these skin conditions may compromise the surface and texture of the skin. Procedure performed on skin with these type of condition may have sub par results.

Individuals who are allergic to metal and colour

We use small needles and pigments that can contain some metals and colorant, so allergy can be a show stopper. 

Individuals prone to keloids 

Since permanent makeup punctures the skin, there is always a risk for people that are prone to keloids to heal with keloids scaring

Individuals who used Accutane

Accutane alters the skin and makes it thin, dry, and sensitive. It also weakens your immune system. For those reasons you'll need to one year after your Accutane treatment is completed and your skin is back to its normal state. 

Individuals that have any uncertainty regarding their pre-existing conditions, or are under the supervision of a physician, please consult with your doctor before booking an appointment and provide us with a doctor's note.

Eligible Based on Individual Cases  

Individuals with a dark pre-existing eyebrow tattoo or permanent makeup

The tattoo or permanent makeup must be light enough to work on. We ask anyone with a previous eyebrow tattoo to get in touch to arrange a personal consultation or provide with a picture of their eyebrows with no makeup on, so we can evaluate.

Individuals who are allergic to lidocaine or epinephrine

Our most used anesthetic is lidocaine and epinephrine so if you are allergic to it, we will not be able to use it during the procedure; however, you will still have an option to proceed but without a numbing agent to reduce the pain.


Individuals that are prone to cold sore 

If you are prone to cold sores, lip blushing may result in an outbreak and cause loss of pigment. You must start taking antiviral medication, prescribed by your doctor and NOT over the counter, 48 hours prior to treatment to prevent an outbreak.

Individuals with sun damaged skin

It can results in poor retention of pigment.

Emi Sabo PMU reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. 

Is PMU a safe procedure?

All procedures are performed under sterile conditions, using only disposable needle cartridges and with digitally controlled implantation device. There are no long-term side effects; short-term effects may include some redness, swelling, and tenderness. There are no known allergic reactions to pigments.

I had Miroblading done before, can I have powder brows?

Yes, If the previous work has faded enough. Microblading hairstrokes typically blend together and turn grey overtime. Powder brows can be the perfect solution to those problems. If you are not sure if your microbladed brows are faded enough or they are good to work on, get in touch! I offer free consultation with no obligation to book after.

What is the difference between Microblading and Powder Brows?

Microblading is done with a hand-tool where tiny needles are placed closely next to each other, creating a blade. Hair-like strokes are drawn, more like "scratched" into the skin. It is typically painful and most of the time don't age well. Hair strokes tend to blend together and turn grey/discolour overtime. Fresh crispy hairstrokes last about 6- 18 months.

On the other hand, Powder Brows are created with an electric device, a cosmetic tattoo machine, similar to a regular tattoo machine. Pigment is inserted to the top layer of the skin with a single needle, using a shading technique that creates tiny pixels. Layering these pixels on the top of each other will create a beautiful powdery effect. The results usually last longer than microblading, approximately for about 2-3 years, before the colour starts to fade.

What to expect after the procedure?

You will be given full information of the treatment and aftercare instructions during your consultation or on the day of your appointment. I will also provide you with an aftercare ointment that you will need to apply on the treated area as instructed.

Straight after the procedures your skin might be red, irritated and/or swollen. These are all normal reactions and they settle in a few hours.

Typically the colour is dark straight after the treatment and gets darker by the evening or the next day. About day 2-3 some individual's skin starts to peel on the treated area, which is a completely normal part of the healing process. It is imortant to let the skin peel off itself and not to pick them as it can cause permanent scarring and loss of colour. Once the flaking skin is gone, the colour will get much lighter.This is called ghosting period. By the end of the healing time (4 weeks for brows, 6 weeks for lips and eyeliner) some of the colour will come back, but a lighter version of the original colour. 

You will need to come back for your touch-up after this healing period where minor adjustments can be made.

What is the difference between cosmetic tattooing (PMU) and regular tattooing?

1. Pigments

Permanent makeup pigments are specially designed to be safe to use on delicate skin, to produce natural results and to fade naturally over time. They are counted as cosmetics, the ingredients used in these pigments are strictly regulated to minimise the risk of allergic reaction.

2. Technique

How tattoo ink and pigments are applied to the skin are also different. Tattoo artists use either a coil or a rotary machine to deposit ink deep into the skin, leaving a permanent design.

PMU artists tend to only use a rotary machine as it uses thinner needles, allowing for more precision. This technique is a lot gentler and can help reduce trauma to the skin when working on delicate parts of the face. Pigment is also not placed as deep in comparison to the tattooing process, allowing results to fade naturally over time.

I only want natural results. Is it achievable?

Absolutely! With the proper technique and colour choice, we can achieve natural looking results as well as bolder looks depending on your preferences. We discuss this at the consultation or at the start of yur appointment.

Can I have lip blush if I have lip filler?

This is  a big YES! Lip Blush and lip filler are actually great together!

As the filler stretches your lip skin, the more dermal filler you get, the more natural pigment your lip skin loses. Getting lip blush after dermal filler can restore the colour in the lip tissue and can define your lip shape.

However you will need to wait a minimum of 4 weeks after a dermal filler to get a lip blush done!

Can I have PMU after botox?

Yes of course, however you will need to wait 4-6 weeks after botox. The time-lapse will allow the movement and expression of your natural brow to return. That way, your permanent makeup artist will be able to give you a more perfectly placed brow.

Should I get lip filler or lip blush first?

There is no right answer to this, it depends on the preference of the Client and the artist.

I advise my Clients to get the lip filler first as the waiting time after the treatment is 4 weeks until you can get lip blush done, however lip blush healing time is 6 weeks after the initial appointment then another 6 after the touch-up.

Can I have botox after a PMU treatment?

If you are planning to get both treatments, then combine them in a way that powder brows is done first and Botox later. Ideally, there should be at least a 2 weeks gap between both treatments because the healing process of powder brows takes time.

Can I have lip filler after lip blush? Will it change the look of my lips?

Yes you can but be sure to wait at least 6 weeks after the treatment! Lip blush can be only performed on lip tissue so it will not create bigger lips (only optically). It creates a symmetrical shape and enhances the lip colour but does not adjust the size of your lips. Lip filler can be still easily done after lip blush.